1 Month Old

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Wow, it's already been a month with these little ones. It was kinda weird almost a month into the parenting thing and we came to their due date, thinking how glad we are that they're here. Sometimes they are angels and sometimes they are a handful ... but they're always ours and we're continually grateful. I'm back to work with the start of the Spring semester, but Amber is getting lots of love and help from her mom and grandparents throughout the week.

Here are some pics to celebrate the first month. Enjoy =)


Katie Blackburn said...

They are so cute!! Post more pix! Amber, you look great!
Love, The Kansas Blackburns

Carissa, Brandon, Carly, & Tyler said...

They're so sweet! It sounds like you guys are having fun being parents. I wish we lived closer and could come over and see them!

Grant Squared -